When the world is going to crap, make sure you are appropriately accessorized.
you can always make something out of nothing
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you can always make something out of nothing
Why dynamite and septic systems do not play well together.
Guy DL's sleep app and records himself farting. Another guy makes it a top 10 hit.
Remember the first time you learned you did something the complete wrong way your entire life?
This looks sooooooooo bad. Someone please watch it for us all.
Dude fired for farting on the job. A lot. For a while. On camera. His camera. On Instagram.
I wanted to make a 💩 joke, but the movie did a far 💩 job than I could have.
Turk recently finished working on an interactive book project for kids, Borborygmus. It's about healthy eating and has animated poop in it.
Taking place on the first night of Hells Club, the characters just can't seem to get a little time to themselves to use the bathroom
Magnificent. Decadent. A trifectious tower of man's best friend. So near the master's porcelain throne.
Gotta go toss Boba Fett in the Sarlacc
Visit the Slorum's poop thread for tips and tricks from the experts.
Evidently I've been handling my business all wrong. Related, this insane nonsense: http://youtu.be/YbYWhdLO43Q
Emphasis on the brown. You'll see...
Amy Schumer reminds us what that booty be fo'.
Q&A? Reviews?
The Janicki Omniprocessor is a machine that can convert sewer sludge and human waste into drinkable water in just a few minutes. This video was released by the Gates Foundation to show it off. Plus, the .gifs are pretty great.
The bus hit the roads, not the poop. I think.
Japanese researcher creates artificial meat from soya, steak sauce essence, and extracted protein. Extracted from where? Well, that's the thing... You have to see it to believe it.
A man flirts with death by slamming his blubbering mass into the husks of trees.
Sorry for the facebook link, but this is pretty awesome.
The title speaks for itself. A lot of bonus Canadian soreys thrown in to make this one of the funniest videos I've watched in a while.