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2025 Here We Go

For auld lang syne

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: midge mckay

[Comments (6)]


Happy New Year

Auld Lang Syne

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: midge mckay

[Comments (4)]


The Labtop and the Scientist

Let's go back to 2010, when computers wizzed and glasses could hit your face.

By: calvinhobbes |

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Pinball = life. As long as there is another ball you should launch it, even if you're probably going to lose.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: jedi clampett

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The Stars Of Everywhere

OG fazer OC.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: jedi clampett

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Labtop + Chair = Science

by Funny jacob3

By: WayGroovy |

[Comments (30)]


Can't Post? This One Crazy Trick Baffles Cloudflare!

If you are having problems posting, I'm looking into it. Try changing the site subdomain to direct, as in or

By: WayGroovy |

[Comments (2)]


I Can Make Fun of My Group, But Not You

Are casually racist comments okay with you?

By: WayGroovy |

[Comments (23)]


Dear Frontpagers: Have you tried the Forum?

I was a Fazed frontpager for a few years before I ventured into the slorum. There's threads on games, discussion topics, poop, even a rare thread by the Oma. Come check it out. Maybe Mediaphile will play with us.

By: WayGroovy |

[Comments (22)]


Do you want to buy a T-Shirt?

Shameless self promotion here, folks. Proceeds go to the server funds.

By: WayGroovy |

[Comments (7)]


Fazed Diet Pool. Lose Weight, Win Money.

and uhhhh it's a great way to stay in shape.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: chonas

[Comments (19)]


Homemade gift making

My brother turned 30 this year and I wanted to give him something I knew he would like. Our family has often made gifts for one another, and I wanted the gift to be very personal. We are both dual citizens of the US and Australia, and have lived in the US for 28 years. While we haven't had the opportunity to go back we still feel connected to Australia and are proud to have that part of who we are.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: niknarjc

[Comments (5)]


For Auld Lang Syne

Happy New Year, Fazers.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: midge mckay

[Comments (16)]


One Year of Operation

1026 Users, 7,632 PMs, 935 front page posts, 6,650 comments, 623 forum topics, 14,589 watched, 351,983 forum posts, 5 million + page views (since June). Thanks, SpunOne, for letting us continue.

By: Admins | | Thanks: SpunOne

[Comments (22)]


Trigger Warnings or Hyper Sensitivity

and, how should we handle ourselves online these days? Article is ancillary to the topic at hand. How should we as a community respond to the trivialization of topics that are important to us?

By: WayGroovy |

[Comments (13)]


Hey! Do ya wanna buy a T SHIrT?

I'm shamelessly shilling shirts for site support and shit.

By: WayGroovy |

[Comments (29)]


4 Months of Work Web Page statistics

Lines and Numbers and stuff. Enjoy!

By: WayGroovy |

[Comments (8)]


Goodbye Fazed

"Well, friends, after over 15 years of posting things found on the internet to this site, it's time for me to move on. Giving the front page a lot of love this past month has been great fun, but also extremely time consuming. And with a son who's old enough now to notice his dad is always distracted, and twins arriving in a few months, I suppose it's time to grow up and sort out my priorities. Thanks for sticking with it all these years. I hope it was mostly enjoyable for you. It certainly has been for me." -Adam "SpunOne"

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: SpunOne

[Comments (23)]


the Homestar Runner Fazed Thread

For nearly 10 years the Homestar Runner thread was kept alive on the old Fazed forums. The forum closed on 19 January 2014. This is an archive of that old thread.

By: WayGroovy |

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Happy New Fazed

Some things change. Some things don't. Happy New Fazed.

By: Admins | | Thanks: KNW

[Comments (11)]


The First Post

Ready? Begin.

By: SpunOne |

[Comments (9)]